Well-being, vocal confidence, oral language skills, laughter, vocabulary and speech clarity are some of the many benefits these books will engender.
Once upon a time there were three little pigs,
Handsome and plump but not very big …
This traditional story in rhyme bounces along to combine drama, poetry, reading and performance.
Memorisation happens naturally and easily, greatly adding to the fun.
The stressed words and syllables in bold help the reader maintain the beat.
The pace is slick, fast-paced and brisk, with built-in catch-your-breath spots written in red caps.
Fun is guaranteed for readers and listeners.

I’d like to be the captain of a great big ship,
And give all my passengers a lovely trip …
If you are ready for a COVID-free pleasure cruise, this colourful poem is for you.
At the end of your voyage you’ll find a glossary of nautical words just in case a pushy passenger asks you what a Jack staff is, or where they might sight the polestar.
So set your course, lift the anchor and head off into the sunset to distant lands and unusual places.
Bon voyage!

There was once an ugly toad
Who lived in a slimy abode …
This original story in rhyme bounces along to combine drama, poetry, reading and performance.
Toad is a tongue-twister poem written for readers and listeners who love descriptions that are highly visual and emotionally dramatic.
The highly descriptive words and phrases paint a strongly pictorial image, with the illustrations contributing another colourful element in this lively and entertaining tale.

This book is a mouth-moving tongue-twisting enunciation workout so people will understand WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.
Read this book out loud and often!
As well as being a lot of fun, this book will help you achieve a multitude of benefits including:
- improved social confidence and speech clarity
- good mouth-muscle strength and breath control
- pronunciation accuracy and rhythmic consistency
- thinking ahead of your voice to achieve vocal fluency
- being expressive by varying pace, pitch and dynamics
- having a speaking voice that holds listeners’ attention
- possessing a wide vocabulary for higher-level thinking
- realising that a fine speaking voice is a valuable asset
- discovering that practice really does make perfect
- relishing unusual words for their jubilant exuberance.

Mighty Mouth Movers
Student Book
This is a book like no other because of the way it celebrates the vowel sounds of English.
The Mighty Mouth Mover rhymes have been written to make the serious business of teaching literacy – and in particular how to speak, read and understanding English – into a playful but rigorous learning adventure.
Mighty Mouth Movers is also a wonderful tool to encourage clarity of speech.
The world of wonder comes bouncing into the classroom as each rhyme is explored, helped in no small measure by the wonderful illustrations especially commissioned for this book
A4 format.

Mighty Mouth Movers
Teaching Manual
The MMM Teaching Manual provides a cornucopia of deeper learning possibilities regarding building general knowledge, using imaginative teaching methods and oral language vocabulary boosters.
This book provides teachers with a wide variety of ideas and specific activities that not only assess and enhance progress en route, but shows how to make the daily literacy journey a powerfully successful one for all abilities of student.
A4 format.

These rollicking and all-original poems are built for sharing with friends, performing at school, reciting with family members, presenting on stage, showing off to grandma … and of course reading alone for fun.
The characters you will meet in these pages definitely want to be centre stage, so strut your stuff, dear reader.
Let your voice soar.
Be loud and glorious, and enjoy the variety and surprises of what you discover between the covers of this book.
Suitable for Years 2 to 6.

This poem is a vivid account of the sounds and sights in a short but dramatic summer storm.
Each page follows an unusual rhyming scheme for you to discover.
Words ending in ing are incorporated generously.
The story reassures young readers not to be afraid of storms. The drama is taken from an appreciation of nature rather than being frightened, (although the family dog prefers to hide under a bed).
The illustrations demonstrate different drawing styles depicting weather.

A woman called Alice McBean,
Decided to visit the Queen.
When she came to the palace
They said …
The polite and well-mannered characters in this book are perfectly at ease in homes and schools – and anywhere where words are enjoyed.
There are 35 limericks in all, each one new in content but written in the traditional limerick style.
One is suitable for budding ventriloquists where the lips do not touch for any word – but which one is it?
36 pages A4

$14.00 + p&p
This book is a visual feast, delighting children by taking them into the wonderful world of butterflies, beautiful plant, rhyme and counting.
There’s surprise hiding on every page for sharp-eyed readers.
The vivid illustrations will encourage children to linger and talk about the details, encouraging observation and vocabulary development in a joyful setting.
Activity pages are included as another good fun feature.
Suitable for home, early childhood organisations and schools, this book would also be a lovely gift.
16 pages A4

Educational benefits
These poetry books provide:
- opportunities to build vocal confidence by using a different voice to the one used every day
- discovering the pleasures and benefits gained by rehearsing and modifying until satisfied with the result
- visualisation development to see in the mind new events because of what the words are conveying and how they are doing this
- vocabulary extension to see, hear and say familiar words in new and imaginative contexts
- an example of the power and energy words have in human communication
- an arena to try out personal preferences regarding dramatic expression, pace, volume, pitch, body language and so on
- ways to engage with an audience; discovering the benefits of memorisation; using facial expression, vocal variations and body language to convey emotion
- oral reading skill development including voice projection, word clarity, adding vocal surprises to build and release tension, the stretching of vowels, the exaggeration of consonants and so on
- social interaction and diplomacy development
- experience in trying out a variety of specific performance skills such as ways to enter, stand, move, acknowledge the audience, exit, and maintain the drama from start to finish
- opportunities to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary